Monday, September 14, 2009

rotating turkeys

When we get a hatch of poults we have to take them from the mom. I know that sounds mean but it is because we have so many preditors such as foxes,owls,hawks and more. Once we get the poults we put them in big tubs. Then they go to the out door cage. We can move that cage around for them to eat grass and insects. Then they go to the nursery, a bigger outdoor caged fenced, where they will stay till they get almost as big as the adults.
Then we take the bigger turkeys, which i like to call the teenagers, to the big pen with the adults where they will live till we have a harvest.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,
    Good job you officially do blogs like you mom!! :D
    It's great Gillen!


    Ps: is that the chicken i gave to Mimine, ... on the nursery sign?
    Cool i think it is!

  3. I'm so excited to read your Turkey Blog! Why did you name it GT Turkeys???
    I'd really like to see that new hair cut....without a hat on if you please :)

  4. Go GT! I like your turkey blog. Thanks for explaining why you have to take the poults from the mom. Now I understand that it's not cruel at all. Do you like your short hair? Miss you.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry it took me so long to answer your comments. Clementine, that is your chicken on the nursery sign. Everybody loves it. Mindy i named it GT's turkeys because gt are my initials. And you Bhu - I love my short hair!
